NOTE: LASCO Level-1 FITS keywords are described in this pdf document.

The following table has 4 columns, KEYWORD, TYPE, VALUES, and DESCRIPTION.
KEYWORD gives the name of the FITS keyword and may be up to 8 characters.
TYPE refers to the data type and the size of the data:
	S  String
	I  Integer
	R  Real
The size of the data depends upon the data type. For example S*2 is a 2 character string, whereas I*2 is a 2 byte integer (16 bits).

VALUES shows the range of values that the KEYWORD can take.

DESCRIPTION gives a short description of the keyword.


SIMPLE            S*1       T         Conforms to FITS standard

BITPIX            I*2       8,16,32   Number of bits per pixel

NAXIS             I*2       2         Number of axes in the image

NAXIS1            I*2       Positive  Length of the first axis (columns)

NAXIS2            I*2       Positive  Length of the second axis (rows)

TELESCOP          S*8       SOHO      Name of the satellite

INSTRUME          S*8       LASCO     Name of the instrument

DETECTOR          S*8       C1,C2,C3  Name of the telescope within LASCO

FILENAME          S*30      Any       Name of the FITS file.  For the
                                      archive data we conform to the DOS
                                      8.3 standard.

FILEORIG          S*17      Any       Name of the raw telemetry file in
                                      the format YYMMDD_HHMMSS.img.  The
                                      implied date and time are the date 
                                      and time stamp of when the data 
                                      were put into the telemetry stream.

DATE              S*23      Any       Date of file generation in CSSDS 
                                      standard format, eg
                                      1996/05/21 17:28:48.208

DATE-OBS          S*10      Any       Date of the start of the exposure, 
                                      eg: 1996/05/20

TIME-OBS          S*12      Any       Time of the start of the exposure,
                                      eg: 00:40:05.407

MID_DATE          I*2       Any       Modified Julian Date at the mid-
                                      point of the exposure                
MID_TIME          R*4       Any       Number of seconds of the day at the 
                                      mid-point of the exposure

OBT_TIME          R*4       Any       Value of the On-Board Time 

EXPTIME           R*4       Any       Number of seconds of the exposure time

EXP0              R*4       Any       Measured exposure delay time

EXPCMD            R*4       Any       Commanded exposure delay time

EXP1              R*4       Any       Length of time since CCD clear

EXP2              R*4       Any       Length of time to open shutter

EXP3              R*4       Any       Length of time to close shutter

READPORT          S*1       A,B,C,D   CCD readout port

SUMROW            I*2       0,2,4     Number of rows being summed on the CCD

SUMCOL            I*2       0,2,4     Number of columns being summed on the CCD

LEBXSUM           I*2       1,2,4,..  Number of columns being summed in the LEB

LEBYSUM           I*2       1,2,4,..  Number of rows being summed in the LEB

SHUTTR            I*2       0         Shutter was commanded open during the exposure
                            1         Shutter was not commanded during the exposure

LAMP              I*2       0         Calibration lamp was not commanded on
                            1         Calibration lamp was commanded on

FILTER            S*8       Clear     Position of the filter wheel
POLAR             S*8       Clear     Position of the polarizer wheel
                            0 deg
                            +60 deg
                            -60 deg
                            H alpha

LP_NUM            S*8       Normal    Description of the LEB Program (LP) used to
                            Cal Lamp  generate the image
                            Line Scan
                            Pol Seq

OS_NUM            I*2       Any       Observing Sequence Number
                                      An arbitrary number that specifies similar 
                                      instrument configuration and can be used to search 
                                      the data base for other exposures taken under the 
                                      same conditions.

IMGCTR            I*2       Any       Sequential counter since the last LEB reboot

IMGSEQ            I*2       Any       Number of the image in the current sequence, 
                                      starting at 0

COMPRSSN          S*8                 Code indicating the steps used in compressing the 

PLATESCL          R*4       Any       Number of arc seconds per pixel

OFFSET            I*2       Any       Electronic offset in DN

P1COL             I*2       Any       CCD column number of start of image, 0-19 are 
                                      underscan pixels, 20-1043 are imaging pixels, 1044 
                                      - 32000 are overscan pixels

P1ROW             I*2       Any       CCD row number of start of image, 1-1044 are 
                                      imaging rows, 1025-32000 are overscan rows

P2COL             I*2       Any       CCD column number at end of image, 0-19 are 
                                      underscan pixels, 20-1043 are imaging pixels, 1044 
                                      - 32000 are overscan pixels

P2ROW             I*2       Any       CCD row number at end of image, 1-1044 are 
                                      imaging rows, 1025-32000 are overscan rows

RECTIFY           S*8       TRUE      Status of rectification to put solar north
                            FALSE     to the top of the image
R1COL             I*2       Any       The rectified coordinate, equivalent to P1COL, as 
                                      though the image had been read out with this 

R1ROW             I*2       Any       Rectified P1ROW

R2COL             I*2       Any       Rectified P2COL

R2ROW             I*2       Any       Rectified P2ROW

EFFPORT           S*8       A,B,C,D   Rectified read out port

VERSION           I*2       Any       Version number of LEB header

DATAMIN           R*4       Any       Minimum value of the image, including the bias

DATAMAX           R*4       Any       Maximum value of the image

DATAZER           I*4       Any       Number of zero pixels in the image

DATASAT           I*4       Any       Number of saturated values in the image

DATAAVG           R*4       Any       Average value of the image

DATASIG           R*4       Any       Standard deviation in computing the average

DATAP01           I*4       Any       Intensity of 1st percentile of image

DATAP10           I*4       Any       Intensity of 10th percentile image

DATAP25           I*4       Any       Intensity of 25th percentile of image

DATAP75           I*4       Any       Intensity of 75th percentile of image

DATAP90           I*4       Any       Intensity of 90th percentile of image

DATAP95           I*4       Any       Intensity of 95th percentile of image

DATAP98           I*4       Any       Intensity of 98th percentile of image

DATAP99           I*4       Any       Intensity of 99th percentile of image

CRPIX1            R*4       Any       Column number of the reference pixel.  SOHO
                                      practice has been to use this as the center of the 
CRPIX2            R*4       Any       Row number of the reference pixel.  SOHO
                                      practice has been to use this as the center of the 

CRVAL1            R*4       Any       Number of arc seconds of the center of the sun 
                                      from the reference position in the azimuthal
                                      direction (E-W).  Positive is to the solar west

CRVAL2            R*4       Any       Number of arc seconds of the center of the sun 
                                      from the reference position in the elevation
                                      direction (N-S). Positive is to solar north

CROTA1            R*4       Any       Rotation of axis 1 with respect to solar north
                                      Positive is westward (clockwise)

CROTA2            R*4       Any       Rotation of axis 2 with respect to solar north
                                      Positive is westward (clockwise)

CTYPE1            S*8       SOLAR-X   Type of units of axis #1

CTYPE2            S*8       SOLAR-Y   Type of units of axis #2

CUNIT1            S*8       ARCSEC    Units along axis #1

CUNIT2            S*8       ARCSEC    Units along axis #1

CDELT1            R*8       Any       Increment along axis #1 (Same as PLATESCL)

CDELT2            R*8       Any       Increment along axis #1 (Same as PLATESCL)

HISTORY           S*80      Any       History of processing.  Can be repeated

COMMENT           S*80      Any       Comments.  Can be repeated

END                                   Last keyword in the FITS header