Dump memory

Dump memory

TITLE 		Process Processor Dump Memory

PURPOSE 	To dump memory from a LEB processor.

DESCRIPTION 	This observation program is scheduled when the ground operator
		requests that a processor's memory is to be dumped. If the 
		request is for a processor other than OBE, then this request is
		forwarded through the TCE to the desired processor.  The other 
		processor responds with the memory data through TCE to this LP,
		which formats the data and sends it down the science telemetry


		   Parameter	Description
			1	Processor
					OBE = 0x6300
                        2       Type
						0 = dump by address
 						1 = 64k memory chip dump
						2 = SCB
						3 = TCB
						4 = image_control list
						5 = occulter tables
						6 = ROI mask tables
						7 = test RAM (WRITES to RAM!)
						8 = primary dpt table
						9 = alternate dpt table
					       10 = cal dpt table
					       11 = gen_info dpt table
					       12 = FP upload buffer
					       13 = Cam upload buffer
					       14 = Test Image
					       15 = Time
					       16 = Loop Time
					       17 = Block Schedule
					       18 = Image Memory Write and Dump
					       19 = Image Memory Dump
			3	Number of bytes to dump
			4	Starting Address - Most significant word 
			5	Starting Address - Least significant word



     OBE Memory Dump

      Parameter 1 = 0x6300 or 25344
      Parameter 2 = 0      (dump by address)
      Parameter 3 = 32766  (number of bytes)
      Parameter 4 = 0x60   (MSW of address)
      Parameter 5 = 0x0000 (LSW of address)

Updated by Dennis Wang - Jul 25, 1996