LASCO C3 Level 1 Processing

Action Item list from July 2002 meeting at NRL


(1) Check impact of "3m_clcl_all.fts" during MISSING BLOCKS procedures.

 None: img[zz] = newimg[zz]

  • img is the returned image
  • zz represents the missing blocks (only missing blocks are changed)

(2) Convert "C3[2]nullblock.sav" to ASCII.

 Done. See

(3) Check dynamic range of processed images to see if STORAGE REQUIREMENTS can be reduced.

  • This introduces a rounding error.
  • To implement, scale image between 2.0e-13 and 6.5e-9 in to maximize dynamic range

BSCALE  =          9.91806E-14 / Data value = FITS value x BSCALE + BZERO
BZERO   =          3.24995E-09 /

  • Currently, image statistics in header (DATA[MIN,MAX,AVG,P01-99]) are from unscaled image:

DATAMIN =          2.05145E-12 / Minimum Value Not Equal to Zero
DATAMAX =          9.56944E-09 / Maximum Value NE Saturated
DATAZER =               183539 / Number of Zero Pixels
DATASAT =                   91 / Number of Saturated Pixels
DSATVAL =          6.50000E-09 / Value used as saturated.
DATAAVG =        7.4424799E-11 / Mean of Image
DATASIG =        2.2080698E-10 / Standard Deviation of Image
DATAP01 =        8.5300000E-12 / Percentile Value
DATAP10 =        1.2640000E-11 / Percentile Value
DATAP25 =        1.6150000E-11 / Percentile Value
DATAP50 =        2.5180000E-11 / Percentile Value
DATAP75 =        5.1540000E-11 / Percentile Value
DATAP90 =        1.3580000E-10 / Percentile Value
DATAP95 =        2.6102000E-10 / Percentile Value
DATAP98 =        5.5190000E-10 / Percentile Value
DATAP99 =        9.3757000E-10 / Percentile Value

Results from 10 images (1024x1024) from 1-10 Dec. 1996  (darr = unscaled - scaled) (units DN/sec):

  IDL[calliope]>print_mom,ABS(darr[dlt10])    ; for stats, limit to values less than 10
 Mean:     0.0413899
 Variance:    0.00470876
 Skewness:       67.4433
 Kurtosis:       5840.83
 Std Dev:     0.0686204
       19501.0      0.00000   -0.0997656

Results from series of one image every 20 days (43 total):

(4) Look at GEOMETRIC DISTORTION CORRECTION, specifically the rings in the warped image. (w/ JEFF MORRILL and MIKE ANDREWS) [CHAIR]

; RANDOMN uses the Box-Muller method for generating normally-distributed (Gaussian) random numbers,
; here with a seed of 5.
      4.86010  0.000247973     -5.02657

IDL[calliope]>for i=31,1000,32 do rndm[*,i]=2
IDL[calliope]>for i=31,1000,32 do rndm[i,*]=2

Ring in warped image (such as here):


; ** to find circle which corresponds to zero in C3 distortion correction
IDL[calliope]>cf = DISTORTION_COEFFS ('C3')
; Apply circle to rdif using TVCIRCLE
; **

Pattern in warped image

  • pattern apparently not affected by changing gridsize or /quintic in
  • I estimate magnitude of pattern to be about 10% (of noise?)
  • ( warped image - bkg ) <3>(-2) DN/sec   ; background is min of 27 daily medians
  • closeup of pattern in gridded warped image (wrndm2)

Bottom line: pattern is IN THE NOISE, and much less significant than other errors


(4.5) Where is distortion function from?


(5) Develop procedure to map MISSING BLOCKS from header and apply to image